Saturday, October 25, 2008

Invest for the Long Term

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We call our investment philosophy the ‘new old school’ because it is getting back to what we consider the basics of investing. When we study some of our favorite investment heroes such as Warren Buffet (1930 – present), Sir John Templeton (1912 – 2008) and George Soros (1930 – present), a general theme emerges – they bought and held investments for significant periods time. Buffet is well known for buying basic businesses with strong management and good cash flow. Templeton’s legacy is to not follow the herd. Soros, who is often referred to as a speculator, was and is no ‘day trader’. Soros's investment strategy is based on long-term macroeconomic themes. He is recognized for pricking economic bubbles, crushing excessive valuation and punishing greedy and naïve speculators. These notable investment moguls were long-term investors and we believe much can be earned by studying and emulating their actions.